The Most Fun You Can Have for a Twenty Buck Game

When I heard the Wii Zapper was going to be bundled with a “training” game, my first thought was, “so what?” The last thing I thought I needed was some stupid piece of plastic that came with a half-rate game. Then I tried Link’s Crossbow Training. The next day I went and got my own copy.

No only does this game provide training on how to use the zapper, it’s one of the most fun games I own for the Wii. Finally, another game does what Wii Sports does–it provides an addictive, fun game that is accessible to new players. The only problem is the same one Wii Sports has–it is too short. When you finish the levels, you are still hungry for more.

There are three kinds of levels: target shoots where game controls the camera you just take shots, defender levels where you move the camera by putting the cursor on the edge of the screen–you can turn in a circle and blast whatever you see, and ranger levels where you move your feet with the nunchuk thumb stick, your facing with the gun, and run around blazing. Though target shooting Hogan’s Alley style may sound boring, the game keeps it interesting through ramping up the difficulty in scale.

Back in the day, I was a Counter Strike junkie. The problem was, I stank at it. No really. I mean it. Really. Stank. The concept was great, but the controls were too much. Now with the Wii Zapper, I get all the same game elements in a control scheme I can handle–one that is intuitive to use. This was the reason I got the Wii in the first place. The ranger levels in Link’s Crossbow Training really caused me to get my Counter Strike jones on. I should write somebody a letter.